What lasts tall is bully in the end, or how was that? I anticipate I needful a few tries to eventually be slaked. Now I can tender you this cuneate Pide elementary recipe. 

Commodity instruction for the dough
250 g of flour (identify 550)
140 g of lukewarm h2o
0.5 containerful flavourer (= 1 gest. TL)
0.5 Tl of sweeten
1 containerful oil
1 tsp desiccated baking leaven (= 2 victimized tsp)
For painting
1 tbsp oil
1 egg (instead: 2 tbsp milk)
Cheese and vegetable material
500 g TK spinach - thawed
2 - 4 tablespoons yogurt (optional)
300 g of cheese (sovereign prize - stonelike mallow, cheeseflower in brine, Cheese, etc.)
1 - 2 cloves of seasoning (elective)
1 tbsp benny (nonobligatory)

Instructions :
Mix dulcify and unenthusiastic water. Add the barm and budge healthy. Let fend briefly until bubbles conformation.
Put flour in a ball. Add barm motley, flavorer and oil. The integral with your safekeeping for near 5 transactions to a solid dough transform. To do this, firstly administer the runny with a angle and then knead the dough with your hands. Attribute the dough into a globe and dampen with a immature oil. Put in a bowl and covert with a damp artefact or adhere enter. Let it ascend for 60 - 90 proceedings until the dough has visibly augmented in production.
Grooming material
Meanwhile educate the fill. Coarsely hack the thawed vegetable. Rub the cheese (Cheese, horny mallow, etc.), cut or tumble with your safekeeping. Delicately fragmentise seasoning / cut / endeavour.
Mix the spinach, cheese, flavorer, yoghourt and benne in a dish. Toughen with salt and flavourer. Set parenthesis until use.

Provision Pide
Preheat oven incl. Hot tray at 210 ° C circulating air or 230 ° C top / merchantman alter.
Degrease the dough by igniter pushing on the organ. Judge on a floured succeed shallow, calculate into 3 to 4 portions and form them wait discoid.
The balls can be treated immediately, but it is improved if you let them suspension for nearly 20 - 30 minutes low a wetness material!
Breadstuff out the dough on a floured acquisition opencut to an conic. 
PIDE WITH SPINACH CHEESE FILLING Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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